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Neil Ross led Junior in high-profile Cayman Island corruption case

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Neil Ross has returned from 3 months in the Cayman Islands following the successful prosecution of Canover Watson, the former chairman of the Health Services Authority. The allegation focused on a corruptly obtained contract for IT services worth millions of pounds. During the course of the trial, evidence was heard…

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Patrick Maggs secures Court of Appeal win

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Patrick Maggs secures 3 year reduction in sentence for a “premeditated, cynical, violent and cowardly” robbery on the home of two elderly men. In R v Smith (John Leonard William) & Ors [2013] EWCA Crim 2102 the Court of Appeal remarked upon “his very helpful grounds of appeal” in reducing…

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Brian St Louis Secures Murder Acquittal

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Brian St.Louis has secured the acquittal of defendant O in the Oceana murder case. Their client was alleged to have been party to a fatal stabbing in the nightclub in Kingston in October 2012 but he was acquitted unanimously by a jury after two days’ deliberations. The trial lasted six…

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Dominic Benthall secure acquittals in Oxford sex abuse case

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Dominic Benthall secured acquittals on the two most serious conspiracy counts out of the four matters faced by defendant ZA in the Oxford sex abuse case. To read press coverage of this case, please see the following links:

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