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15NBS Chambers are a committed anti-racist organisation.

We believe in taking pro-active steps to confront and remedy the effects of existing and systemic racism in all its forms within our organisation and in our work.

15NBS Chambers are committed to being an anti-racist organisation and there is a zero-tolerance approach to any forms of racism. 15NBS has a duty to promote diversity within Chambers and its members have a core duty not to discriminate unlawfully against any person. Chambers is committed to challenging and dismantling structural racism within any practice, policy, procedure within Chambers or the legal system generally.

We as a Chambers recognise that active campaigning against injustice, both in the UK and worldwide, has shaped and influenced change in the form of both community awareness and statutory reform, which includes the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. 15NBS embraces the role that it can play in challenging racism and delivering anti-racist

We have considered our approach, in consultation with all relevant materials published by the
BSB, and have:

Created an action plan to improve anti-racist practice – including prioritising engagement with members of chambers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups and undertaking a critical analysis of procedures for recreating, retaining and supporting the progression of barristers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

Started working towards a complete race equity audit in compliance with the BSB guidelines and will implement any required positive action measures where our audit shows there is an underrepresentation of, or adverse impact on, people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds.

Committed to training all out staff on anti-discriminatory practice and capacity to create inclusive working cultures. This training will be delivered in a practical and considered way in order to adequately address any barriers to race equality and carry the maximum positive impact for behavioral change by individuals and the working culture within Chambers.

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