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15NBS Chambers

Defendant cleared by jury in wounding with intent case, Stephen Akinsanya defending.

By March 18, 2024No Comments

Stephen Akinsanya successfully defends a defendant diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder after a 6 -day trial at Manchester Crown Court. The defendant was charged with three counts of wounding with intent after suffering a psychiatric episode in a Dr’s surgery, resulting in three members of staff being seriously injured. Psychatirc reports from two Doctors were relied on with one expert giving evidence before the jury. It was their task to determine whether the defendant had formed the necessary intent at the time of the offences. The jury deliberated for over 6 hours before returning verdicts of not guilty. The case exposed the real dangers of underfunding in the mental health sector as well as the safety and wellbeing for all coming into contact with mental health patients. Stephen was instructed by John Morris at Ashcott Solicitors, Manchester

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