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15NBS Chambers

Dominic Benthall defends in Iranian ‘pilot-migrant’ case

By January 7, 2021No Comments

Dominic Benthall represented AK, an Iranian national who had co-piloted a Rigid Inflatable Boat containing one other Iranian national and 12 Vietnamese nationals across the English Channel on 17th October 2020.

AK received a sentence of 2 years imprisonment for assisting unlawful immigration. The Resident Judge at Canterbury CC gave sentencing remarks in the absence of definitive sentencing guidelines covering the relatively new and extremely dangerous phenomenon of unlawful immigration occurring in overcrowded and unsuitable small boats. The Judge’s remarks also acknowledged the distinction between professional people traffickers, and those in AK’s position who make efforts to gain their own illegal entry, which happen to assist others.

Dominic Benthall was instructed by Mony Lam of Lam & Meerabux Solicitors. 

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