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15NBS Chambers

John Greenan achieves triple not guilty verdicts and Court of Appeal success

By October 27, 2014November 3rd, 2014No Comments

John Greenan has secured a remarkable succession of acquittals in recent weeks in addition to achieving success in the Court of Appeal.

Most recently he secured the unanimous acquittal of a law graduate who was accused of a s.18 glassing on a female student in a pub. This followed John’s successful defence of a young man in another section 18 trial in which the complainant was stamped upon on an escalator in Westfield shopping centre in Stratford. The jury returned its verdict in this case as John was appearing in the Court of Appeal, where he successfully appealed against a 7 year sentence of imprisonment (reduced to 6 years) where the sentencing Judge had wrongly found a lack of coercion having not heard evidence by way of a Newton Hearing and erred in applying the Sentencing Guidelines to the appellant.

Prior to that John secured not guilty verdicts in a firearms case where a gun had been found under the defendant’s mattress, the issue in the case being knowledge of the weapon.

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