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15NBS Chambers

Kyri Argyropoulos succeeds in Newton hearing lowering the sentence category of Cocaine from an initial category 1 to category 3.

By May 16, 2024No Comments

Kyri’s client was initially accused of being concerned in the supply of over 7kg of cocaine – category 1.  After the successful submissions the basis of plea was accepted and sentence was restricted to text messages. the Crown continued to insist that the case fell within category 2 given messages discussing 1kg packets of “Rolex” cocaine.  At the Newton the judge suggested moving straight to the evidence of the defendant and to just read the police drug expert.  Kyri insisted the witness be called and at the conclusion of his evidence made a ‘quasi half time submission’.  Although initially reluctant, the judge decided he could not be sure to the criminal standard that the messages were what the prosecution asserted (dealing in kilos not grams) and acceded to the defence submissions leading to a substantially lower sentence category (3) and sentence.


Kyri Aryropoulos was instructed by Waterfords Solicitors.

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