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15NBS Chambers

Stephen Akinsanya successfully defends young man charged with Attempted Murder.

By September 19, 2024No Comments

After a seven day trial at Reading Crown Court, Stephen Akinsanya successfully defends a 23 year old young man charged with Attempted Murder.  A difficult case in which the complainant was left with life changing injuries as a result of being stabbed in the head by the first defendant, who was convicted by majority after the jury were in retirement for over 9 hours. The case against Stephen’s client was put on the basis of joint enterprise and Stephen successfully argued that the evidence did not support his clients knowledge or involvement. As part of Stephen’s work to deter  young men carrying knives, he requested that his acquitted client remain in the courtroom to watch the sentencing of his co-defendant under the recently new sentencing guidelines for Attempted Murder.

Stephen was instructed by Paul Turnball at MMA Solicitors.


Stephen wishes to acknowledge his friend and colleague Matthew Hardyman who was initially instructed.

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