‘Tana is a brilliant advocate with a powerful presence in court. She presents submissions articulately and persuasively, demonstrating thorough preparation and good insight. She is exceptionally skilled and maintains high standards of integrity and ethics.’ (Legal 500 2025)

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Tana is a specialist Criminal Silk instructed in high profile, sensitive and complex cases.  Her advocacy has been described as ‘extremely clear and persuasive – juries and Judges listen to her.  Her cross-examination skills are excellent as she consistently ties the Crown’s witnesses in knots.’ (Legal 500 2023).

She is described in the current Legal 500 rankings (2024) as “simply exceptional. She is always all over the brief and clients immediately respond well to her. Her advocacy in court is extremely clear and persuasive and she really comes into her own during cross-examination. Tana is first class in all she does.’

Tana has a particular interest in causes of death and is frequently instructed where detailed analysis of medical and scientific evidence is needed.  She has a wealth of experience cross-examining some of the foremost experts in their fields.  Experts she has worked with include forensic pathologists, paediatricians and geriatricians, toxicologists, blood spatter experts, DNA experts, hair and clothing analysts, ballistic and explosive experts, educational psychologists and forensic psychiatrists and forensic accountants.

She is instructed in complex cases involving detailed analysis of documents including Encrochat and Terrorism cases.

From a background prosecuting and defending Rape And Serious Sexual Offences (‘RASSO’ cases) with Vulnerable Witness training Tana has developed particular skills defending and questioning all types of witnesses.  Her fearless skills in forensic cross-examination built over many years is now something she is known for.

Tana also conducts cases involving Regulatory and Disciplinary proceedings against professionals accused of misconduct including medical professionals and the police.

Chair of the Criminal Bar Association (September 2023 – August 2024)

She is a member of the Bar Council, INQUEST and the Female Fraud Forum.

Tana is currently instructed in cases involving Encrochat, Infanticide, Terrorism, Murder, Rape, Child Cruelty and Misconduct in Public Office.

Recent Cases

2023 R v P & others (CCC).  Defendant acquitted of Murder in joint enterprise stabbing in a busy public park.  Case involved issues of identification and interpretation of CCTV footage.

2023 R v B (Southampton CC). Prosecuted offence of Causing Death by Dangerous Driving.  Case involved expert evidence on Sleep Apnoea and Sleep deprivation.

2023 R v ** (Cambridge CC). Defendant young defendant charged with Murder arising out of County Lines drug trafficking.  Legal arguments and mitigation for plea to Manslaughter involved Section 45 of the Modern Slavery Act, 2015.

2023 R v C (Oxford CC). Defended defendant with psychosis acquitted of Murder and convicted of Manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility.  Defendant believed he had the persona of a character in a computer game.  Case involved examination of 3 psychiatrists.

2023 R v J (Guildford CC) Defended defendant with psychosis arising from mental illness during Lockdown.  A plea to Manslaughter by reason of diminished  responsibility accepted.  Case involved psychiatric evidence.

2022 R v JP (CCC) Defended defendant with schizophrenia who attended a police station and admitted committing an historic murder 40 years previously.  Case involved cross-examination of pathologist to establish a different cause of death from that found in 1980.

2022 R v H & another (Sheffield CC). Defendant and wife tried for false imprisonment and causing/allowing a vulnerable adult to suffer serious physical harm after locking their autistic son in an attic, causing him to be malnourished, and in a life-threatening condition during Lockdown.  Case involved study of hypernatremia, high sodium and diarrhoea and cross-examination of paramedics, E.D. nurses, doctors, dieticians, teachers and social workers. 

2022 R v W (Reading CC). Defendant with convictions for a double murder in Poland charged with murder of a canal worker who was assaulted and then arguably drowned. Case involved study of post mortem drowning signs in partial submersion and cross-examination of lifejacket expert, diatom expert and two Pathologists with differing opinions as to the cause of death. 

2021 R v GS & another (CCC). Retrial after Court of Appeal quashed murder convictions.  GS acquitted of murder after it was demonstrated that the forensic and pathological evidence was misinterpreted at the scene.  Case involved study of extent of bleeding and blood spatter from carotid artery and cross-examination of blood spatter experts and 4 Pathologists to map the location of the killing. 

2019 R v GM & another (CCC). Case linked to R v Stephen Port.  Defendant administered GHB to men he met using the Grindr App.  Charged with murder of one man, assault penetration and multiple administrations of a noxious substance on other men.  Case involved study of naturally occurring GHB post-mortem and cross-examination of pathologists, forensic toxicologists and two Professors expert in hair analysis. 

2019 R v SW & another (CCC). Defendant tried for Manslaughter by deliberately crushing young child behind a car seat.  Case involved study of crush asphyxia and positional asphyxia, particularly in children and cross-examination of forensic paediatricians and Pathologists.  

2018 R v BK (Swansea CC). Defendant suffered Battered Persons Syndrome, imprisoned by paedophile husband who committed sexual offences against a child.  Case involved impact of Coercion and Control on behaviour and cross-examination of two Psychiatrists.  Duress due to Coercion and Control raised in the Court of Appeal before MJ Hallett (following R v Challen).  Defendant hospitalised under the Mental Health Act.

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