This will depend on two things; the type of case it is (how much work is involved and its
complexity) and the experience of the barrister you are instructing. At 15NBS we have a wide
range of Barristers ranging from KC’s to juniors.
At 15NBS we pride ourselves on ensuring that the fees we charge are clear and easily
understandable from the outset. If there is a variable or if there are circumstances where an
additional fee needs to be charged (these may include Court fees, any additional hearings,
litigator costs or any experts reports that may be required), we would strive to ensure that
this will be brought to your attention at the earliest possible stage.
Where fixed rates are provided we will not exceed that amount without prior client authority.
Our hourly rates for counsel range from £100 per hour to £1,000 per hour depending on the
seniority of the barrister instructed, the complexity of the case and their availability (i.e if the
case is taken at short notice).
Please contact our clerking team either by telephone on 020 7842 1900
or, and they will be able to assist you with the information required to
prepare a detailed estimate of fees which will be provided to you. Below is a range of
potential fees that could be charged for a Privately Instructed case:
1 st Appearance £1,000 – £5,000
Brief fee* £1,500 – £100,000
Refreshers* £1,000 – £5,000
Sentence £500 – £5,000