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Martin Rutherford QC joins 15 NBS

By 15NBS Chambers

We are delighted to announce that Martin Rutherford QC, formerly of Furnival Chambers, has joined 15 NBS. A fearless, intuitive and commanding advocate, Martin is wholly comfortable when fighting unpopular cases, at ease taking difficult points and is regularly sought out by solicitors in the most serious of cases. We…

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Marathon Madness!

By 15NBS Chambers

On the 3rd April, Jodie Woodward and Sean Gould will be running the Paris Marathon to raise funds for Young Breast Cancer Sufferers. The money raised will specifically be used to help create a support network for young sufferers focusing on positive support in workshops and providing events for those suffering…

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Neil Ross led Junior in high-profile Cayman Island corruption case

By Cases

Neil Ross has returned from 3 months in the Cayman Islands following the successful prosecution of Canover Watson, the former chairman of the Health Services Authority. The allegation focused on a corruptly obtained contract for IT services worth millions of pounds. During the course of the trial, evidence was heard…

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