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Rory Field secures acquittals in stabbing case 

By 15NBS Chambers

Mr A. was accused of the vicious and unprovoked stabbing of one man (section 18) and injuring of another (section 47) during a fight between members of the Kurdish community in Leicester.  Both alleged victims gave evidence. Rory Field, instructed by Niraj Keshwala of Archer Maher solicitors, secured acquittals on…

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Rupert Hallowes represents first defendant prosecuted under sections 52 and 53 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 for a ‘sex for rent’ arrangement.

By 15NBS Chambers

  Following an unsuccessful application to stay the proceedings as an abuse of process on the basis that until 2018 the CPS policy was not to prosecute such offending (in relation to which application Rupert was led by Martin Rutherford QC), the Defendant pleaded guilty to three offences and was…

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Eintracht Frankfurt fans

By 15NBS Chambers

Chloe Carvell represented three defendants charged with assaults against police officers (included kicking, spitting and hitting an officer with a wooden stick to the back of the head) at the West Ham vs Eintracht Frankfurt Europa League semi-final football match. All defendants avoided immediate custodial sentences (two were sentenced to…

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Rory Field helps draft new Whistleblowers Bill.

By 15NBS Chambers

Rory Field attended the first reading of the Whistleblowers Bill in the House of Commons by Mary Robinson MP, followed by a roundtable in the House of Lords. Rory regularly works after Court with a small team of expert lawyers assisting the charity Whistleblowers UK. Recently they assisted the all-party…

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